Jayden's Chess Journal #3

Your guide to learn about the wonderful world of chess!

Joke of the week

“What did the chess board say to the pawn? You’ve got potential!”

💡Puzzle #4

Black has a mate in one, where is it?

Sometimes it’s your own people

✅Solution: The solution is the move Rh1! The doubled pawns on the g-file block the king’s escape. The knight covers the g4 square, and the rook comes in and deals the final blow.

♟️Tip of the Week

Often our opponent creates weaknesses with their own pieces (like the doubled pawns in Puzzle #4), and we simply need to capitalize on these advantages with dynamic play.

🪶Chess History

We are now in 19th-century Europe looking at a game between two of the strongest players in chess history. This game was played between Alexander McDonnell and Louis de La Bourdannais.

French Forks are called Fourchettes

La Bourdannais as white after a lengthy opening played the devastating Nd7, which will take a rook from black. It was after this move McDonnell resigned, deeming the rest of the game unplayable. La Bourdannais was considered the strongest player of his century rivaled only by Paul Morphy, who we will take a look at in next week’s edition.


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That wraps up this edition of Jayden’s Chess Journal

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, and if you know anyone looking for more chess knowledge, send them this link so they can access this awesome newsletter.

Thank you so much for reading this edition, until next time!