Jayden's Chess Journal Edition #6

Your guide to learn about the wonderful world of chess!

Joke of the Week

Why did the queen go to a therapist?

She kept on having knightmares.

💡Puzzle #6

Is there a checkmate here for Black?

Is there a checkmate?


There is a checkmate! Qf1# is checkmate, due to its protection from the rook and the king has no other available spaces to move to, making it checkmate.

♟️Tip of the Week

Checkmates may be closer than we think, it is always good to look for open, available spaces to put our pieces and attack the king.

🪶Chess History

Today we are going to hop into the early 20th century and look at one of the strongest and most famous players of that period, Frank Marshall. Marshall was known for his tactical ability, and for creating the Marshall Chess Club in New York, which is one of the oldest chess clubs in the United States. Today we are going to look at his most famous game, The Gold Coins Game where Marshall played a move so brilliant that audience members showered the board with gold coins.

Frank Marshall just played the absurd Qg3‼️ The reason why this move is so brilliant is due to the way White loses the game in so many different manners. If White plays hxg3, Black plays Ne2#, if White plays Qxg3 Ne2 will lead to a huge gain in material with white losing the queen and rook. If White plays fxg3 after Ne2, Kh1, Black can play Rxf1. This move certainly deserved showers of coins, simply for its brilliance.

 That wraps up this edition of Jayden’s Chess Journal

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, and if you know anyone looking for more chess knowledge, send them this link so they can access this awesome newsletter.

Thank you so much for reading this edition, until next time!