Jayden's Chess Journal Edition #18

Your guide to learn about the wonderful world of chess!

Joke of the Week

How does a King flirt?

He says, "Check me out!"

💡Puzzle #18

How can White properly execute a checkmate here?


The solution is to move Ra1#; this is a tricky position as White has a double rook checkmate but has to be careful which rook they use. If they instead play Ra2+, Black can immediately capture and White’s whole game falls apart.

♟️Tip of the Week

Careful decision-making is needed to make game-changing moves. Very similar moves can have very different outcomes, therefore, be very careful with your planning and execution of ideas.

🚨Course Announcement🚨

Hey everyone! I have a new free course that explains all the basics of chess up from how pieces move to basic analysis. Please check it out if you are interested in strengthening your foundations in chess.

 That wraps up this edition of Jayden’s Chess Journal

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, and if you know anyone looking for more chess knowledge, send them this link so they can access this awesome newsletter.

Thank you so much for reading this edition, until next time!