Jayden's Chess Journal Edition #5

Your guide to learn about the wonderful world of chess!

Joke of the Week

Why can’t you trust a pawn as a co-worker?

They’re always looking for sneaky little promotions.

💡Puzzle #5

White just played the move Be3, what’s the best move for Black?

A nice smothering


The solution is the awesome Nf3. The knight covers the d2 square and the white King has nowhere to go and it’s checkmate

♟️Tip of the Week

Oftentimes smothered mates appear in many different forms. Make sure to utilize your knights and try to close space around your opponent’s kingside.

🪶Chess History

Today we’re taking a trip to Britain, and look at one of the strongest grandmasters of his time, Howard Staunton. Born in the early 1800s in London, Staunton became interested in chess in his 20s watching games from Saint-Amant and George Walker, and other very strong players at the time. Let’s take a look at a position from one of his games.

Here Staunton baits his opponent into putting their Queen in front of the King. Staunton then played Rg1 pinning the Queen to the King, and Black then resigned

 That wraps up this edition of Jayden’s Chess Journal

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, and if you know anyone looking for more chess knowledge, send them this link so they can access this awesome newsletter, and be on the lookout for a new Chess University course this month, by me!

Thank you so much for reading this edition, until next time!